

Because Wednesday is MY Friday!

Working in a food service industry, it is inevitable that you will most always work weekends. I'm used to it. N is in the same boat so it's not like we never see each other on our days off. Unless he gets mon-tues off and I thur-fri....that got frustrating quickly. At one point we were convinced our managers were messing with us. And while its still rare for us to get both days off together, we've been lucking out lately with one a week, which ends up getting jam packed due to all the errands we need to run!

This "weekend" I am determined to finish my invitations. I WILL make the rsvp cards, print directions and get stamps. I hope. Friday Thor has to go to the vet in the morning, and then N and I are going to get his tux, squee! Last week, I tried and tried to get an appointment with this loan officer my in-laws-to-be recommended, but it turned into a huge game of phone tag. It would be really nice to know how much money we could get, so we could start looking for houses. I don't want to get set on one, and then find out it's wayyyy out of our price range.

All and all, I really hope it's the productive weekend that I want. I know I'll feel better once I get that stuff done and sent off, but I have a Ph.D in procrastination....

What are you doing this weekend!

Until next time,
